


Untittled (classified)

Performance concebida e realizada juntamente com a pesquisadora Nahema Falleiros para a CryptoRave 2017. Proposta relacional que se desenvolve a partir de estudos históricos e sociológicos sobre as sociedades secretas, com embasamento teórico trazido pela Nahema, mestre em Sociologia pela FFLCH-USP e doutoranda em Ciência da Informação pelo IBICT-UFRJ, que estuda o segredo como ferramenta de controle. O ponto de partida é o poema de Manoel de Barros, A Estrela da Manhã.

Performance conceived and performed together with the researcher Nahema Falleiros for the CryptoRave 2017. A relational proposal that develops from historical and sociological studies on secret societies, with a theoretical background brought by Nahema, a master's degree in Sociology from FFLCH-USP and a doctorate in Information Science from IBICT-UFRJ, who studies the secret as a tool of control. The starting point is the Manoel de Barros poem "The Morning Star".

I want the morning star / Where is the morning star? / My friends my enemies / Search for the morning star
She disappeared, went naked / Disappeared with whom? / Search everywhere 
Say I'm a man without pride / A man who accepts everything / What do I care? I want the morning star
Three days and three nights / I was murderer and suicidal / Thief, scoundrel, forger
Virgin barely sexual / Troubleler of the afflicted / Giraffe with two heads / Sin for all sin with all
Sin with the rogues / Sin with the sergeants / Sin with the marines / Sin in every way
With the Greeks and the Trojans / With the priest and the sacristan / With the leper from Pouso Alto
And then with me 
I'll wait for you with kirmesses novenas cavalhadas / I'll eat earth and I'll say things of such simple tenderness / That you will faint / Search everywhere / Pure or degraded to the last vulgarness / I want the morning star.

[my free translation]

A ação não constou na divulgação do evento, nem seu conteúdo foi revelado previamente ao desenrolar da performance. A intenção era reproduzir a experiência do anonimato e da formação de uma sociedade secreta de informações sigilosas compartilhadas. A identidade de todos os participantes foi preservada, inclusive das artistas, que na ocasião se identificavam como Estrela da Manhã e Noite Estrelada. Por se tratar de um evento sobre criptografia, segurança de dados e transações (sem sempre lícitas) efetuadas pelos participantes na internet, a cada um dos voluntários foi designado um codinome e solicitado que removessem a bateria de seus celulares. Através de de formulários, protocolos, procedimentos burocráticos e redundantes, tentamos reproduzir de forma analógica as condutas dos sistemas do universo digital. No final, fizemos a queima dos arquivos classified.

The action was not included in the disclosure of the event, nor its content was revealed before the performance was unfolded. The intention was to replicate an experience of anonymity and the formation of a secret society of shared intelligence. The identity of all participants were preserved, including the artists, who were identified as "Morning Star" and "Starry Night". As CryptoRave is an event about encryption, data security and transactions (not always licit) carried out by the participants in the internet, to each volunteer was assigned a codename and they were asked to remove the battery from their cell phones. Through "forms", "protocols" and "redundant procedures", we tried to reproduce the digital systems demeanors in an analogical way. At the end, we burned out the classified files.

Ação realizada no Centro Cultural Palestino Al Janiah (São Paulo), maio de 2017
Action held at Palestinian Cultural Center Al Janiah, São Paulo, may 2017